OB/GYN Student

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Classifications White’s Classification (1980) Maternal/Fetal Complications of Diabetes in Pregnancy Increased Fetal Risks Increased Maternal Risks Pregnancy Management Glycemic Targets (May differ by institution) Antenatal Testing Delivery Timing Mode Postpartum…

Prepping for Auditions & Residency

DISCLAIMER: Some personal opinions stated below. Fact check everything with the professional organizations themselves and your school when it comes to timelines, auditions, and applications. Volunteer & Involvement Geared Towards…

Surgical Considerations & Complications

Preoperative Informed Consent Components: The biggest question most new learners have is how in depth their discussion of risks and complications of the procedure should be. A general rule for…

Diagnosis Scripts: Postpartum Bleeding

Atony The most common cause of bleeding immediately postpartum is uterine atony. Atony occurs in 1 in 20-40 deliveries and is responsible for about 70-80% of postpartum hemorrhage. The patient…

Gynecologic Cancer Staging

Cervical …… Vulvar & Vaginal . Endometrial . Ovarian . Breast For a comprehensive review of breast cancer visit this page detailing the different cancer types and includes the best…

Diagnosis Scripts: Bleeding in Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancies occur in about 1.4% of pregnancies. Patients may be asymptomatic or may present with mild to severe pain. If there is rupture, they might range from…

OB Visits

OB visits: 1st visit → monthly until 28-32 weeks → 2x a month until 36-38 weeks → weekly until 41→ induction Every visit includes: BP, maternal weight, heart tones, UA…

Historical Library

The following are full-text books available from Google Books. Most are also downloadable as a .pdf file or they can be searched and read online. 1772 A Treatise on the…