OB/GYN Links
- Perinatology.com
- Pregnancy Dating
- Ultrasound Education and Training
- TheFetus.net
- Electronic Fetal Monitoring
- WPSI: Preventative Well-Woman Care Chart
- POP-Q: Pelvic Organ Prolapse Assessment Tool
- Calculators: Risk Prediction
- Diagnostic Atlases of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- More Tracing Practice- NCC EFM Practice
- History of Midwifery, Obstetrics, Gynecology
OB/GYN Residency Information Links
- APGO Right Resident, Right Program, Ready Day One: Program Resources
- Residency Explorer Residency Explorer via AAMC
- ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Residents utilize the ACGME Case Log System to document their procedural experiences.
- FREIDA Online The FREIDA Online clearinghouse for residency programs.
- ABOG American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) is located on the website, too.
- Our Auditions/Residency Post
General Medical Reference
eMedicine is one of the best (and mostly free) resources for general medical reference. Also, great links to a wide variety of medical-related topics.
Great site for clinical symptons and signs and searching for a differential.
This is an alphabetical listing of diseases and other health related topics with fact sheets and other information about each. Excellent and free but not necessarily written for health providers but rather patients.
This site has over 1900 pathology related images, along with text and self-assessment modules.
Slide show lectures on pathology divided by systems.
Interactive study aids for Kuby’s Immunology text (you don’t need the book to use the stuff).
EKG Interpretation
Has EKG’s for various conditions.
A great site with an excellent tutorial for learning to read EKGs, quizzes, etc.
- ECG HEAL University of Utah
Another great site with a large library of ECGs for practice
A full text newsletter that facilitates communication, helps prevent duplication of research effort, and informs persons interested in genome research. 1989-present. Searchable. Human Genome program, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research.
Genetic information corresponding to specific diseases. Links to abstracts and full text articles on chromosome abnormalities, mutated genes, abnormal protein expressions, and other related aspects of molecular biology.
Supports clinical genetics and DNA diagnostic services. It offers easy access to Internet highlights and protocols and methods in Genetics.
Learn the basics of histology broken down by system and then test yourself with quizzes, games, and photo identification practice
Great public resource from Boston University where you can learn the basics of histology broken down by system.
Excellent site from The University of Western Australia with many high quality pictures and an excellent quiz feature, as well as outline notes.
Great histology site from the University of Kansas.
Organ-categorized high resolution microscopic images of tissues. University of Delaware.
This website provides students with gross anatomy images with labels, dissection photographs, interactive 3D features, and gross anatomy quizzes showing images from real cadavers. This website is perfect for students prepping for anatomy lab practicals.
Quiz yourself with this website filled with anatomy images, identification, and descriptions
An online textbook that presents clickable CT/MRI data and computer animations of the brainstem, thoracic viscera, and brain anatomy. Offers interactive test questions.
A three-dimensional, computer-generated recreation of a human body made from thousands of digitized slices of a cadaver. Visible Human Female and Male.
Labeled images for all body systems
Images from the Visible Human Project, but with notes.
Medical Ethics
HH’s translation and commentary of The Hippocratic Oath.
A good starting point for information on the net regarding med/bioethics issues.
A neat site for learning pharmacology with interactive flashcards.
A great set of concise biochemistry lectures from IU Medical School.
An excellent page with more than 100 case studies in all things related to eyes.