Historical Library

The following are full-text books available from Google Books. Most are also downloadable as a .pdf file or they can be searched and read online.

1772A Treatise on the Puerperal FeverNathaniel Hulme
1793A Dissertation on the Structure of the Obstetric ForcepsR. Rawlins
1820A Synopsis of the Various Kinds of Difficult Parturition: With Practical Remarks on the Management of LaboursSamuel Merriman
1826The Medical Evidence Relative to the Duration of Human PregnancyRobery Lyall
1828A Practical Treatise on PartuitionSamuel Ashwell, James Blundell
1829An Account of Some of the Important Diseases Peculiar to WomenRobert Gooch
1832A Practical Treatise on Uterine Hemorrhage in Connexion with Pregnancy and ParturitionJohn Ingleby
1833Researches on the Pathology and Treatment of Some of the Most Important Diseases of WomenRobert Lee
1834The Principle and Practice of ObstetricyJames Blundell
1834Kennedy on Obstetric Ausculation (go to page 255)Evory Kennedy
1835A Practical Treatise on MidwiferyRobert Collins
1837The Principles of MidwiferyJohn Burns
1837Observations on Some of the More Important Diseases of WomenJames Blundell
1839Hints to MothersThomas Bull
1839Essays on the Most Important Diseases of Women (Puerperal Fever)Robert Ferguson
1842On The Theory and Practice of MidwiferyFleetwood Churchill
1842Practical Observations in MidwiferyJohn Ramsbotham
1851Woman: Her Diseases and RemediesCharles Meigs
1852Obstetrics: The Science and the Art, Second EditionThird Editon (1856), Fifth Edition (1867)Charles Meigs
1852A Complete Treatise on MidwiferyVelpeau, Page, and Meigs
1853The Obstetric CatechismJoseph Warrington
1853A Compendious System of MidwiferyWilliam DeWees
1854On Some Diseases of Women Admitting to Surgical TreatmentIsaac Brown
1854A Treatise on Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Neck of the UterusCharles Meigs
1857A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on MidwiferyPierre Cazeaux
1857An Exposition on the Signs and Symptoms of PregnancyWilliam Montgomery
1860On Diseases Peculiar to WomenHugh L. Hodge
1860On the Signs and Diseases of PregnancyThomas Tanner
1861A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Sexual Organs of WomenFriedrich Wilhelm von Scanzoni
1861The Principles and Practice of Obstetrics, 1st Edition, 3rd Edition (1863), 4th Edition (1868), Fifth Edition (1869), Eighth Edition (1874)Gunning S. Bedford
1863Clinical Lectures on the Diseases of WomenSir James Young Simpson
1866Clinical Notes on Uterine SurgeryJ. Marion Sims
1870The Science of a New LifeJohn Cowan
1870+The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Volume IINoeggerath, Editor
1871Manual of MidwiferyAlfred Meadows
1872The Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Diseases of WomenGraily Hewitt
1873A System of MidwiferyWilliam Leishman
1873A Clinical History of the Medical and Surgical Diseases of WomenRobert Barnes
1876A Treatise on the Science and Practice of MidwiferyWilliam Playfair
1876Smellie’s Treatise on the Theory and Practice of MidwiferyAlfred McClintock
1877Diseases of WomenRobert Lawson Tait
1877An Essay on Hospital MortalityRobert Lawson Tait
1878Diseases of the Bladder and Urethra in WomenAlexander Skene
1879Lessons in GynecologyWilliam Goodell
1881Minor Surgical Gynecology, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition (1885)Paul Fortunatus Mundé
1881The Science and Art of MidwiferyWilliam Thompson Lusk
1883Manual of Gynecology, 2nd Edition, 4th Edition (1893), 6th Edition (1903)David Berry Hart
1883The Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of the OvaryRobert Lawson Tait
1884A Manual of Obstetrics, 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition (1886), 4th Edition (1889), 5th Edition (1892), 8th Edition (1900), 9th Edition (1903)10th Edition (1907)Albert King
1884The Story of My LifeJ. Marion Sims
1885Manual of the Diseases of WomenCharles May
1888Lectures on Ectopic Pregnancy and Pelvic HaematoceleRobert Lawson Tait
1889The Principles and Practice of Gynecology, 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition (1902), 4th Edition (1904), 5th Edition (1908), 6th Edition (1913)Emilius Dudley
1889The Diagnosis and Treatment of Extra-uterine PregnancyJohn Strahan
1891Essentials of GynecologyEdwin B. Cragin
1892Obstetrics: A Manual for Students and PractionersCharles W. Hayt
1892Gynecology: A Manual for Students and PractionersBratenahl and Tousey
1895Pregnancy, Labor, and the Puerperal StateGrandin and Jarman
1895Clinical Gynecology, Medical and SurgicalKeating and Coe
1895Manual of GynecologyHenry Turman Buford
1898A Text-book of Obstetrics, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition (1899), 3rd Edition (1902),4th Edition (1903), 5th Edition (1906), 6th Edition (1909)Barton Cook Hirst
1900Obstetrics: A Manual for Students and PractionersDavid James Evans
1900Practical Gynecology, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition (1903), 3rd Edition (1907)Edward Emmet Montgomery
1900Conservative Gynecology and Electro-therapeutics, 3rd Edition, 4th Edition (1905), 5th Edition (1906), 6th Edition (1909)G. Betton Massey
1901A Textbook of ObstetricsJohn Clarence Webster
1901A Textbook of GynecologyCharles Lee Reed
1904Williams Obstetrics, First Edition, Second Edition (1907), Third Edition (1912)J. Whitridge Williams
1905A Textbook on the Practice of GynecologyWilliam Easterly Ashton
1905+Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics Franklin Martin, Editor
1906Obstetrics for Nurses, 2nd EditionJoseph DeLee
1908Medical Gynecology, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition (1912)Howard Atwood Kelly
1908Medical GynecologySamuel Wyllis Bandler
1908Operative MidwiferyJohn Martin Munro Kerr
1912The Practice of Obstetrics, 4th Edition, 5th Edition (1916)James Clifton Edgar
1914Manual of ObstetricsEdward Parker Davis
1917Operative Gynecology, 1st Edition, 2nd Edition (1920)Harry Crossen
1918GynecologyWilliam Phillip Graves
1920+The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, First VolumeGeorge Kosmak, Editor
1921GynecologyBrooke Anspach

For more history on obstetrics, midwifery, and gynecology check out this website: A comprehensive resource for the history of Midwifery, Obstetrics, Gynecology